Sunday, March 3, 2019

Getting my Sewing Groove Back...

It's been over four years since my last post here and I've been longing to get back on my sewing wagon.  Instead I've been dragging my little wagon behind me.....BUT! I'M BACK! Please leave a comment below if you're there, I would love to reconnect. A lot has happened in this span of time, I moved from one state to another, life's ups and downs,.  I don't even know if there anyone out there still checking in but I hope so.  My sewing mojo is working so I'm working on a plan and hope to get my groove back.

I did do a little sewing this summer, here's one top I made...

Simplicity 1064
Pattern Back - Line Drawings

So, here's my version..... View B, only slightly shorter.  I was going for a tunic type top.
I also made a YouTube video if you'd like to check it out

I'll be back with more soon.  

Happy Sewing!!


  1. Welcome back. I took a break for while myself, so I know how it is getting back into it. Cute top. Love the fabric.

  2. Hi Manecoarse,
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad to be getting back on course. Thanks for leaving a comment, lets me know I have someone out there still connected. Take care!


Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment.
Hope you have a sew-wonderful day!

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