Monday morning Aug. 10th I lost my dear baby brother, John T. Brooks. We were very, very close. He was much more than a brother to me, because our mother died when he was only 14/yrs old so I helped to raise him. As life's journey continued he accomplished much. He worked hard, played hard, lived with more love & passion than anyone I know. He loved his family and friends, everyone that knew him no matter how long instantly knew they found a friend indeed. He was a loving husband, father of two beautiful daughters and three lovely little grand daughters and a friend to many all over this world. He finished two Master's degrees and was called to ministry. He lived for God and taught others to know Christ. He represented Christ well and I know he is now reunited with our mom & dad and just awaiting the rest of us to get there one day. It will be a grand reunion. Until then there will always be a irreplaceable hole in my heart. I'll always love you my dear brother...RIP.
Husband to Carla, father to Tanesha & Patrice & grandfather "POP"to Tanaya, Tashaya & Madison.
At the wailing wall in Jerusalem,
John & wife Carla Baptism in Jordan River

Fun co-worker...
Here is a link tribute part 2 to his life that was played at his home going.