Saturday, July 10, 2010

I thought I was gon' loose my mind...

I was without internet service for a couple days and it totally drove me NUTS! I'd rather go without many other things but I've got to be able to get online. LOL! I was back up and running today, I tell you I could have hugged the Verizon guy today. He even noticed how I perked up by the time he was done compared to when he got to my house.

On the sewing front...I didn't get any sewing done today, my Mojo is just gone. I'm going to spend some time with a sewing friend later this week and meet up with some other sewing sisters and let their Mojo rub off on me. I'll tell you all about it in my next post. So for now enjoy your week and keep sewing so I have a reason to get online a snoop & peek at what you all are doing. I'm sure I'll be full of inspiration when I post next time.
In the mean time...



  1. I know just how you felt! A while back I lost power in a thunderstorm and couldn't sew. I said to myself, "That's okay. I'll go downstairs and go online!" DUH! Glad you're back.

  2. Happy your internet is back up:) Yeah the mojo does come and go sometimes. I like your idea of meeting up with other sewers to stimulate yours! I'll have to remember that:)

  3. Yes! Please no internet service makes me grumpy and crazy as h*ll! So I understand how you were feeling. Glad it's back up now.

  4. I got my electrical system in my home upgraded yesterday which meant no electricity for 6.5 hours. I was okay with no air conditioning in Atlanta, no lights but no Internet...OMG. I'm sorry you had to go days without it and I hope your sewing mojo returns soon.

  5. Yes, it's good to have my internet save my sanity. Getting to snoop at work is so limited.
    I can't wait for my mini vacation and meet-up with my sewing friends. I'll be so excited to post about it next week!!


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Hope you have a sew-wonderful day!

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