A Love - Hate Relationship...
I Coulda,Woulda, Shoulda...
I Can't Believe I Did That!...
What Had Happen Was...
I'm So Over You...
I could probably go on and on but this tunic will not be a pleasure to wear and here's why.
The fabric is linen...I love linen but I hate wearing it,Unless it is constructed in such a way to avoid the awful wrinkling. I gave my lovely tunic a nice crisp press and it looked wonderful...
until I wore it for a little while
Actually only a few minutes and it began to look like I slept in it. Well, being in such a hurry to sew it I didn't think through the things I should have done to make it more wearable. I should have used a light knit interfacing on the whole tunic. I also could have done a FBA to make it fit a little better across my boobs. Yeah, always need to do that, how did I not this time. One solace to this whole thing is I didn't actually pick out this fabric and purchase it, it came from an order I placed from FabricMart.com , sometimes they run a special, with a purchase of a certain amount they'll give you a mystery bundle of fabric at no cost. This was in that mystery bundle from a purchase. When I saw it I knew right away what I wanted to make with it..but so much for that.
OK, so I have moved on to this jacket,
(short version w/cuffs) I wanted to make pants also but don't have quite enough fabric left, so I'll make a skirt instead. Thankfully it's turning out quite well so far...
Thank Goodness! Whew! I don't know what I would do with another wadder so close to the last one. I'll take pictures of the completed outfit soon.
Meanwhile, I did sew with some friends today, just a quick thing we decided to do. A mother and daughter that are learning to sew together. I think that is so great and wanted to help the daughter get her dress done and hopefully wear at least once before it gets too warm, here's her completed dress, the so popular Butterick 5247
I'm so proud of her accomplishment.