Saturday, January 31, 2009
Next Up, TNT's...
Moving Right Along...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Just a little something quick & easy...
Monday, January 26, 2009
You've Made My Day!

Susan @ Knitters' Delight,
Elaray @ Another Creation,
Alethia @ Kassmin's Creations,
Allison @ AllisonC Sewing Gallery
Opal @ Opal's Passions
Shay @ Sewing Shay's Place
Keep up the great work!
Can't help but mention the following extremely talented ladies who were among the first blogs I found and they always brighten my day...
Carolyn @ Diary of a Sewing Fanatic, though Carolyn has been nominated I can't resist another nomination. Carolyn's blog inspires, is brilliantly thought provoking and you learn a lot. I can never get enough.
Erica @ Erica B's DIY Style, I love Erica's style, creativity, up to the minute style updates, exquisite workmanship. I know that Erica has already been nominated but I just couldn't resist. Always a bright spot in my day. Always willing to answer questions and help in any way. Thanks Erica!
Cennetta @ The Mahogany Stylist, though Cennetta has already been nominated I enjoy her blog, she uses awesome workmanship, beautiful style, helpful tutorials. Always much to learn and enjoy on Cennetta's blog. Thanks for all you share!
Sheila @ Sheilaz CTK, beautiful workmanship, wonderful style and a constant variety of fiber inspirations. I always look forward to checking out Sheila's knitting & crocheting as well as the sewing. Sooo inspiring!
Lisa @ Sew On and Sew On, what an inspiration Lisa has been and I love how she spreads the joy of sew by teaching it. I love the workmanship & detail and awesome style that Lisa shares.
Thank you all for what you share, the time and effort you put in to help all of us and just for being wonderful, beautiful women!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
But, what had happen was---
As soon as I got up this morning I was frozen to the TV screen. I started watching before the Obama's left the Blair House and I just couldn't take my eyes off the TV, I did n0t want to miss a single moment.

What a proud day. I cried, grinned, reflected on the past and daydreamed about the future. This is truly a day of new beginning for us here in "AMERICA" and the world. They are the most positive image for our children, adults, families, young people with dreams to accomplish. Inspiration for every race and nationality, no matter the age, the strength of a nation starts from the top...

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sewing Plans for the New Year
One of the things I want to do more of is documenting as I sew. I'm not used to doing that in as much detail as I've seen others do, but it's really good to look back on. So I will attempt to document more of what I've learned and share with others to learn from. So, that will also be something I will try to do better.
Now, the following pattern & fabric selections are amoung some the items I'll start with. I'm going use one of these two patterns with the following knit fabric. The fabric is slightly nubby and medium/slightly heavy weight. I think I might give the (Simplicity 7799 OOP) pattern another try, (I really like this pattern) if you remember from an earlier post (below) I tried altering the pattern and sewed up a muslin and it ended up as a wadder. So, if I do the Simplicity I have to practice once again with fitting the pattern. Practice makes perfect right? If I go with the (Butterick 5247) it will be a breeze. I leaning more toward the Simplicity pattern though. You'll see what I decide soon.I've had this blouse pattern (Vogue 7838 OOP) in my stash for quite a while and I think I'll make one of each of these silky/poly fabric.
This pattern (McCall's 6107 OOP) has also been in my stash for a while. The medium weight knit fabrics below will be great as these tunics. The check fabric to the left and the hounds tooth on the right I'll make the turtle neck & cuffs black. I will also make a black tunic & skirt and these will interchange great together.
There are tons more things I want to get started on but this will keep me busy for now and I'd love to get these done while the weather it still cold. Of course any of this is subject to change without notice...Ha! Thought I'd add a little disclaimer just in case I get the urge to flow a different way.